Monday, June 16, 2008

Drunk driving

What do you think about the video clip and its message?
YouTube - 1979 - STAR WARS Drunk Driving PSA Commercial


Unknown said...

Hello Eduardo!
I really liked the video clip that you published, and I loved the fact that the publishers of this commercial took something so important and terrible as drunk driving teens and accidents changed it to something funny but it still very important.

I hope that this commercial really helped in the US after it published (after 1979) and friends really didn’t let their friends drive drunk. I know that nowadays most of the people do not drive drunk and I hope it will remain like that.

בר כהן said...

in my opinion the video clip failed to convey his meesege.
i think the subject of "Drunk Driving" is not something to joke about.

In addition, i think that teens who will watch this video clip joke about the funny characters intead of getting the idea.